love painting rainbows

living love and creating rainbows

Rainbows in the Rain January 4, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovepaintingrainbows @ 5:30 pm

Don’t worry, I’m still alive!! We have finally moved into our new home and it’s actually feeling like a home. I just got the bathroom and kitchen completely finished, the bedrooms are half done, I cannot see my washer and dryer, and the living room is covered in boxes and toys.
Having said that, we absolutely love our new space! We have a lovely sunny house surrounded by windows, lots of storage, two sheds, a laundry/mud room, two decks, and a fenced in backyard with a swing-set!! We also learned that we have entirely too much stuff! It feels good to start shedding unnecessary items. It’s amazing how much you can accumulate in two years and one baby later. The pre-moving time and moving days were stressful to say the least (hence the “Rain” in my title), but there are many, many rainbows as a result. Mathias is loving the new space and yard and I am loving having painted walls!!
We had wonderful family time at Christmas this year, even though Mathias and I got sick for a little of it. We are having a blast making a new home and hanging out with dear friends/family who share so much Love with us. My wonderful husband told me to leave the house this morning with the computer and go to a coffee shop. Needless to say, I said, “YES!”.  I feel like my mind is calm and quiet for the first time in awhile. But, I’m ready to get back to my homemaking and toddler playing.
I will also be starting a little job this month. Keep an eye out for me doing demos for Nature’s Way products at the Wichita health food stores!! It’s only 3-6 hours a week, which is perfect for me!
I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season and are starting out the new year with hope and light and Love. I will have pictures of the new place soon!

After thinking about rainbows in my life this morning, I looked at the National Geographic photo of the day and look what I found!

Love, Alisha


Monday Madness December 6, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovepaintingrainbows @ 4:41 am

Ok, so it has been like almost a month now since I last posted… For all of you out there who follow me (I am assuming there are some of you…) I am so sorry if you have been checking my blog in anticipation for the next inspirational or intriguing post by yours truly. I have no excuse. I’m STILL learning to balance all my crazy wants/needs/desires/coulds/shoulds while being a mama. I think of you often, honestly, I do! Like my husband CONSTANTLY tells me, I need to write a list. Everyday.

So, usually Mondays are supposed to be “Monday Munchies” (as of one other time…) with a new recipe I have tried, but today I am telling you about the “madness” that has been/is my life currently. Not necessarily a “good” or “bad” madness… just aaalllllll the things that I am behind sharing with you.

To start out, we are looking to move. NOT one of my favorite things to do, but I love to rearrange and start fresh. However, we have yet to find a place and that is one of the most stressful parts (for me anyway). We are looking at a house to rent tomorrow morning and I am so hoping it is the one. I am tired of looking and wondering if it should be the one. You know? I am always wondering if I am too picky, or need to be ok with less comfort. I just want the answer to be clear! Maybe it’s like getting married. You know when it’s the right one… I can at least dream of such things.

Mathias is becoming more and more like a little boy and less like a baby. Good and sad. He is so awesome. I love his little personality. He is goofy, quiet, sweet, observant, snuggly, wild, sneaky, and smart. He hates wearing shoes, loves books, loves balls, eats smoothies everyday, loves raisins, loves outside, hates when Poppa leaves, loves dancing, and smiles big, cheesy grins.

I am working on growing my art repertoire (thanks to Pinterest— another technical advancement taking up too much of my time, but full of awesome ideas!). I want to try and sell some paintings and things from home. Let me know if you would like to buy some art for a Christmas present for family or friends! (: Don’t worry, I won’t start self-advertising on here… too much.

We have been having wonderful conversations and fellowshipping with beautiful souls. Friends that are cherished intimately. We are so blessed. There are babies to be born, commitment to be vowed, and food and art to be created!

one of the latest food creations

I have been getting creative with squash lately and that has been fun! I will share some recipes soon. I hope you are all having a wonderful December already and not stressing about any holiday preparations, but enjoying your amazing lives every day. I am going to work on not procrastinating (:

Love, Alisha