love painting rainbows

living love and creating rainbows

Some of My Favorites August 31, 2011

Filed under: Discovering Health and Fun — lovepaintingrainbows @ 4:14 am

I was just looking at some of my empty bottles of soaps and whatnot thinking about what I need more of, when I decided to maybe try a new something. Then I got overwhelmed. There are so many products out there!! Even in the “health” world… how the heck do you know which one to pick?? How do you know if it works well, or if the company really is helping the environment?! So, I have decided to help some of you (if this does even help you) by sharing with you things I use/ have used that are my favorites and why! Yes, yes, I knew you would be excited. πŸ˜‰ I would also love to know what you use!

1. Dr. Bronner’s Soap: I love this stuff! It is so versatile! It comes in liquid and bar form and they make all kinds of other items (lotion, salve, balms…). They are very environmentally friendly, fair trade, and one of the safest soaps I know of. I use the Baby-Mild for the wipes I make, Lavender for shampoo, body wash, or cleaning baby toys, Eucalyptus in my home-made laundry detergent, Peppermint to clean floors, and they come in tons of other scents! It’s great for all kinds of skin problems also. Check out the link I attached for more great info.!

2. Kiss My FaceΒ olive oil bar soap: They make a lot of other stuff (I also like their aloe vera toothpaste) but I love using their bars of soap for my face wash. The ingredients are super simple and feel great on my skin! Olive oil is the base, some with aloe vera and some with honey, as well as different essential oils, depending on the scent you get (or scent-less).



3. Tom’s of Maine toothpaste: I have had great results with their baking soda, propolis, and myrrh toothpaste (make sure to get fluoride free!). They have a great reputation too, very clean company. Great flavors too! (Cinnamint is sooo good)

4. Jason’s deodorant: This company also makes so many different things, but I really like their deodorant, especially the lavender. They have lot’s of options.

5. Burt’s Bees lotion: I LOVE their milk and honey lotion. I have used it for probably 5 years now. I even use it on my face. It is so light and soft and smells yummy! I also really like their baby products. Their diaper ointment takes Mathias’ rashes away so fast! And their baby powder is great and really gentle on the bum (no talc). Not to mention the smell is so cuddly! And I’m obsessed with their chapstick.

6. Lilly of the Desert conditioner: They too make a lot of different products, but I love love love their aloe vera conditioner with lemon and rosemary. It has helped my hair SO much. And I know 3 other people who have had great results from this too. I haven’t tried the shampoo yet, but I might do that. They also make really great aloe vera gels and juices that are really clean.

7. LifeTree cleaning products: I really like these cleaning products for around the house. They are super safe (for family and environment) and still do a great job. They are highly concentrated so it lasts a bit longer. Most warnings on the labels say that if swallowed “drink lots of water” and consult a physician. That’s pretty amazing.

So, those are the main ones I could think of right now. These should be available at your local health stores, or I’ve learned that many times they are cheaper online. If there are a lot of other people you know who like to use these or similar products, you can team up and start a co-op through Frontier They have HUNDREDS of products and are really awesome! I hope this was helpful to you. If you would like to know what other products I like or use/ have used just ask me and I’d love to share! Working at Whole Foods, I got to sample A LOT of products. What products do you love to use?? Please share! πŸ™‚

Have a great day!

Love, Alisha


Rainbows Midst the Cloudy Days August 28, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovepaintingrainbows @ 12:06 am

I have not posted on here in quite awhile… I feel as though I have been so busy, but if you asked me what I’ve been doing I would have to think about it for awhile and then tell you “I’m not sure…”. I think it’s because our bed is no longer comfortable for my body and I have been sleeping on the couch (not to mention waking up to nurse once a night again). And Ben has been sleeping on the floor %75 of the time because it hurts his back. Needless to say, we have ordered a mattress. A memory foam mattress! I’m very excited and hoping that it meets our high hopes of sleeping a most luxurious and deeply restful sleep!

Doesn't this look divine? This is where I want to sleep *sigh*

But, I have been learning (struggling might be a more appropriate word, but I’m trying to stay positive) how to live fully and enjoy and be present despite my very tired body and eyeballs. Here are some things in my/our life/lives that I have been able to enjoy in the midst of the sleepless week or so.

1. Right now I’m watching Mathias proudly flip through his plastic books looking at each page as if he knows exactly what every word is… and enjoying it. πŸ™‚ Pretty dang cute.

2. Mathias has also been giving the best and biggest grins ever! He squints his eyes and smiles as big as he can, usually sticking his tongue out to where you can see his top front two teeth. We call it his “big cheese” smile. Talk about melt the heart.

The “Big Cheese” (still not even the biggest I’ve seen!)

3. My husband has been wonderfully sensitive to my sleepiness. He has helped me so much to stay on top of the kitchen cleaning. He got Mathias up for me this morning and even changed his diaper and clothes!! He has rubbed my back without me asking. He is so perfect! πŸ™‚

4. I have had several amazing spiritual conversations and experiences with different people this week, all of us growing on our own paths together.

5. Ben and I have been able to go to several yoga classes at SIVA yoga and are SO enjoying it. Thanks to many wonderful friends who offer to babysit for us!

6. Mathias just keeps developing his personality more and more and Ben and I are having a blast watching him and creating a relationship with him.

I could probably keep going for awhile, but I don’t know how many details you are interested in actually reading, so I’ll stop. I’m so thankful for this time in my life. I’m learning many things about myself, my family, life, God. Learning to be in the present moment with this all. My brain is too tired to think about the future. And, I know that “this too shall pass”. I’m not gonna lie… I have had a few brake downs and pity parties for myself and stayed in my pj’s all day long several times, but overall, I feel that I have grown and matured a good deal lately. Praise God for the endless blessings!

Now, it is time for me to go learn more about disciplining my child… πŸ™‚ I’m sure there will be a post about this soon.

Blessings to you all!

Love, Alisha